
8. 3 Indication in trip status
When the inverter trips, details of the trip status are indicated. In the status monitor mode, the
status when the inverter trips is held.
Details of indications of trip status
Trip indication Details Com. code Error code
, Over-current during acceleration 1,37 25,29
, Over-current during deceleration 2,38 26,30
, Over-current during constant speed 3,39 27,31
Trip caused by short-circuit in the loaded
side on starting
U-phase arm over-current 5 61
V-phase arm over-current 6 62
W-phase arm over-current 7 63
Input phase failure 8 44
Output phase failure 9 40
Over-voltage during acceleration 10 21
Over-voltage during deceleration 11 22
Over-voltage during constant speed 12 23
Inverter overload 13 17
Motor overload 14 18
Dynamic braking resistor trip by overload 15 16
Overheat 16 19
Emergency stop 17 14
EEPROM error (write error) 18 49
Initial read error 19 50
Initial read error 20 51
Main RAM error 21 48
Main ROM error 22 53
CPU error 23 55
Communication abnormal interruption 24 15
Gate array fault 25 54
Output current detector error 26 58
Option error 27 57
Flush memory fault 28 52
Trip of low current operation status 29 4
Trip by insufficient voltage (main circuit
power supply)
30 5
Trip by insufficient voltage (control circuit
power supply)
31 6
Trip by over-torque 32 7
33 45
Trip by short-circuit
34 46
Auto-tuning error 40 13
Inverter type error 41 56
Sink/source switching error 42 32
Sequence error 43 37
Disconnection of encoder 44 36
Abnormal speed 45 11
Extreme potential deviation 46 9
Key error 49 33
VI/II input error 50 3
(*1) No error 0 0
Note: Past trip indications (that have been saved in the memory or that appeared in the past)
can be read out. (Refer to "Status monitor mode, 8.1".)
(*1)This is not a trip indication, but it appears when no error record is found in monitoring the
past trip indications.