
1. General outlines of the communications function
This manual explains the serial communications interface function provided for the TOSVERT VF-
S11 series of industrial inverters.
The TOSVERT VF-S11 series of inverters can be connected to a computer or a controller (hereinaf-
ter referred to as the computer) for data communications via RS232C converter (RS2001Z) or
RS485 converter (RS4001Z, RS4002Z, RS4003Z). By writing computer programs, you can monitor
the operating status of the inverter, control its operation in various ways from the computer, and
change and store parameter settings on storage devices.
The communication protocol is preparing the TOSHIBA Inverter Protocol and the MODBUS-RTU
protocol. Please choose selection of a protocol with a communication protocol selection parameter
<Computer link>
By preparing the program (explained later), the following information can be exchanged between the
computer (host) and the inverter.
Monitoring function (used to monitor the operating status of the inverter: Output frequency, cur-
rent, voltage, etc.)
Command function (used to issue run, stop and other commands to the inverter)
Parameter function (used to set parameters and read their settings)
<Inter-drive communication function>
Master inverter sends the data, that is selected by the parameter, to all the slave inverters on the
same network. This function allows a network construction in which a simple synchronous or propor-
tional operation is possible among plural inverters (without the host computer).
As for data communications codes, the TOSVERT VF-S11 series of inverters support the binary
(HEX) code, in addition to the JIS (ASCII) code. The communications function is designed on the as-
sumption that the JIS (ASCII) code is used for communications between the inverter and the person-
al computer, and the binary (HEX) code for communications between the inverter and the microcom-
puter built into the controller. A communication number is used to access the desired data item.
* The smallest unit of information that computers handle is called a “bit (binary digit),” which repre-
sents the two numbers in the binary system: 1 or 0. A group of 16 bits is referred to as a “word,”
which is the basic unit of information the VF-S11 series of inverters use for data communications.
One word can handle data items of 0 to FFFFH in hexadecimal notation (or 0 to 65535 in decimal
1 bit
1 word