3.23.2 Operation Analog Reference Voltages
The VREFH and VREFL pins provide the analog reference voltages for the ADC. Analog Input Channel(s) selection
The Analog input channels used for AD conversion are selected as follows:
(1) Normal AD conversion
• Analog Input Channel Fixed mode (ADMOD1<SCAN> = “0”)
Setting ADMOD1<ADCH2:0> selects one of the input pins AN0 to AN5 as the input
• Analog Input Channel Scan Mode (ADMOD1<SCAN> = “1”)
Setting ADMOD1<ADCH2:0> selects one of the six scan modes.
(2) High-priority AD conversion
Setting ADMOD3<HADCH2:0> selects one of the eight input pins AN0 ∼ AN5.
On a Reset, ADMOD1<SCAN> is set to “0”, and ADMOD1<ADCH2:0> is initialized
to “000”. Thus pin AN0 is selected as the fixed input channel. Pins that are not used as
analog input channels can be used as standard input port pins.
If a high-priority AD conversion is triggered while a normal AD conversion is in
progress, the normal AD conversion sequence is suspended after converting data for
the current channel, to perform a high-priority AD conversion. After a high-priority
AD conversion is performed, the normal AD conversion sequence is resumed with that