Fully close the balance
pipes of the outdoor units
other than the master unit
and the malfunctioning unit.
Fully close the service valve
of the gas pipe approx. 10
minutes after the system has
Close service valve of the gas pipe while
checking the low pressure, and then adjust
the pressure to 0.12 MPa.
When the pressure of the malfunctioning
outdoor unit (manifold gauge) and
pressure of the header unit become almost
same, close valve of the gas pipe fully.
When the low pressure of the malfunctioning outdoor unit is below
0.10 MPa, fully close the service valve of the balance pipe.
Push the switch SW05 to finish the pump-down operation.
Turn off the main power supplies of all the outdoor units.
Using a recovery device, recover the remaining refrigerant in the outdoor
unit in which pump-down operation has finished and measure the amount.
The header unit is
selected as the
outdoor unit for
pressure adjustment.
Outdoor unit with trouble
[Setup for header unit]
9. The low pressure (Ps) data is displayed on the 7-segment display.
Slowly close the service valve of the gas pipe and adjust so that a pressure of 0.12 MPa is displayed.
10. When the manifold gauge pressure of the malfunctioning outdoor unit is almost the same as that of the header
unit in which the pressure adjustment has been made, fully close the service valve of the gas pipe in the header
[Set up the malfunctioning outdoor unit as follows]
11. When the manifold gauge pressure of the malfunctioning outdoor unit becomes below 0.1 MPa, fully close the
packed valve of the balance pipe and then push SW05 on the interface P.C. board to finish the pump down
12. Turn off the power supplies of all of the outdoor units, and use a refrigerant recovery device to recover the
remaining refrigerant in the outdoor unit, in which the pump down operation has been completed.
Be sure to measure the recovered refrigerant, as the same amount of refrigerant will be required to be re-
charged after the repair.
Return all SW01/02/03 of the header unit to (1/1/1) to complete the work.