Is there group wiring?
Check indoor P.C. board.
Failure Replace
Is there an individual indoor unit.
Correct indoor group address.
Check setup item code
DN 12, 13, and 14 addresses.
Item code (D1) 12: Line address
Item code (D2) 13: Indoor address
Item code (D3) 14: Group address
Check code
[L07] / [99]
Check code name
Group line in individual indoor unit
Cause of operation
The group line is connected in the
individual indoor unit.
Turn on the power of indoor units.
Turn on the power of outdoor unit again.
Is the power on all the
indoor units turned on?
Disconnect connectors between
[U1, U2] and [U3, U4].
Clear addresses.
(Refer to “Address clear”.)
Re-execute address setup.
(Refer to “Address setup”.)
Check code
[L08] / [99]*
Check code name
Indoor group / address unset
Cause of operation
Indoor address unset
Note) This code is displayed when the power is turned on at the first time after installation.
(Because the address is not yet set up)
Set up capacity data of indoor unit.
(Setup item code (DN) = 11)
Check indoor P.C. board.
Are capacity setups
of indoor units unset?
Check code
[L10] / [88]
Check code name
Outdoor capacity unset
Cause of operation
The model selection jumper of the outdoor I/F
P.C. board does not match the model.
Service I/F P.C. board for the outdoor unit is common to all outdoor units.
The service I/F P.C. board will need to be set up for the correct model based upon the faulty I/F P.C. board, which it is
replacing. Set up the model based upon the I/F P.C. board assembly change procedure.
Check code
[L09] / [46]
Check code name
Indoor capacity unset
Cause of operation
Indoor capacity unset
∗ Using 7-segment on I/F P.C. board, check the model name on each outdoor unit.
For check, when putting the rotary switch on SW01/02/03=16/16/16, it is an
outdoor I/F P.C. board, for Super Module Multi Flex if “F” is displayed at the left
side of 7-segment [A] part.
Is the check code [L17]
displayed even if turning power on
again of all the connected outdoor
units on 1 system alone?
Are all the connected
outdoor I/F P.C. board's on 1 system
P.C. board's of outdoor units for
Super Module Multi Flex?
Check again whether there is any
other outdoor unit or not on the
communication line in 1 system.
If any, turn off power of the
corresponding outdoor unit and
then check once more.
Replace outdoor units of other models
with specified models
Correct communication line between
outdoor units.
Change the incorrectly built-in outdoor
I/F P.C. board's with I/F P.C. board's for
Super Module Multi Flex.
Are the connected outdoor
units those for flex on 1 system?
(Check model name.)
Check code
[L17] / [46]
Check code name
Inconsistent models of
outdoor units
Cause of operation
There are outdoor units on the communication
line other than Super Module Multi Flex type
such as Super Module Multi or Super Module
Multi ice regenerative type