NOTE: If the PrintMe button is not visible, please contact an authorized Toshiba service technician to
activate this feature.
5. Press TCP/IP.
6. Press DNS SETUP.
Specify the following DNS options:
In the list of options that follows, default values, where applicable, appear in square brackets.
• Enable DNS Server—Select Enable to allow the GA-1140 to resolve a name to an IP address.
• Enable Auto Detect—Select Enable to allow the GA-1140 to resolve a name to an IP address.
• DNS Server IP Address—This option only appears if you have selected Disable to Enable Auto
Detect. Using the number pad, specify the IP address of the primary DNS server.
7. Press SET and press RETURN.
• When you have finished specifying your DNS settings, proceed with the following instructions;
“PrintMe Setup Options”.
PrintMe Setup Options
Once you have finished DNS Setup options, you must enable the following PrintMe options in order for
PrintMe to be activated.
To Access PrintMe Setup Options
1. From the main Setup menu, press PROTOCOL SETUP.
2. Press PrintMe.
Enable the following PrintMe options:
• Enable PrintMe—Select Enable.
NOTE: To enable PrintMe, you must first setup DNS. For information on DNS Setup, see previous
instructions; “DNS Setup Options”.
• Enable Auto Diagnostics—Select Enable to allow the GA-1140 to print a PrintMe error log.
NOTE: The GA-1140 has limited error messages. The most common PrintMe error message is “Check
PrintMe Error.”
3. Press SET after you have enabled the PrintMe options.
4. Press UTILITY.