Step 5: Run DKBackup Program ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
● If you installed DKBackup for the first time, a 280BCKUP directory was created and the
DKBackup files copied to it.
● If you upgraded an existing DKBackup program, your customer database has been
maintained in the 280BCKUP directory.
● If your Config.sys file is changed and you have problems with the new file when you
reboot your computer, restore the original file (i.e., Config. bak).
Step 5: Run DKBackup Program
Note Running the program under Windows 95, 98 or Windows NT is recommended for the
best performance.
Start-up DKBackup under Windows 3.11, 95, 98 or Windows NT 4.0
➤ Click on the DKBackup icon. The Toshiba Title screen displays.
Start-up DKBackup in MS-DOS
1. From the C:\ prompt, type CD 280BCKUP and press Enter.
2. From the C:\280BCKUP prompt, type dkbackup and press Enter. The Toshiba Title
screen displays.
Run DKBackup
Note If the DKBackup red or green hardware key is not installed, the following message
displays: Hardware key Not Installed. Exiting to DOS. OK. Install
the DKBackup hardware key, then retry running the program.
1. Once the Toshiba Title screen displays, press any key to continue. This message appears:
Please Enter Your User ID:
2. Type Master and press Enter. This message appears: Please Enter Your
3. Type Master and press Enter. For security, your password does not display on the
screen as you type it.
The default DKBackup
Password File
Maintenance screen
displays (shown right).
It is recommended that
you change the MASTER
password and create any
other user passwords.
4. To change or add
passwords, see “User
Password Level Setup” on
Page 121.