E911/CAMA Trunk Programs (R4 Only) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
4. Highlight the next Call Forward Type field. A default value (All, Busy, No Answer, Busy/
No Answer) is entered in this field based on your selection in Step 3. To change the
assignment, press + /- to toggle the selections and press Enter.
5. Highlight the Call Forward Timer field. A default value is entered in this field based on
your selection in Step 3. To change the assignment, type the number of seconds (08-60)
you wish to apply before the call forward executes for “No Answer” or “Busy/No
Answer” conditions. Press Enter.
6. Press F4 to cancel a call forward assignment for a port.
7. Press F8 to save the entries and upload the selected data to the Strata DK, or F9 to save
the entries and upload all the data to the Strata DK, or F10 to save the assignments and
return to the Main Menu.
Important! If CF is set for a PDN using DKAdmin, the CF Button does not light unless the
Strata DK power is turned off (five seconds) and then on.
➤ To use the Strata DK’s program files to edit
1. Press F2 and the DK Code dialog box displays.
2. Type the DK Code: XXXX, where XXXX is the Strata DK level 1 security code set in
Program 00. The DK System Program File screen displays.
Note If the Problem: Unable to Establish Communications screen
displays, follow the troubleshooting steps on the screen and/or refer to Appendix A to
correct the problem.
3. Press F2 to select (tag) all Program No. (data) files.
4. Highlight YES and press Enter. DKAdmin establishes communications to the Strata DK,
turns on LED 10 in Program 77-1, and receives data blocks. This information displays on
the PC screen as it occurs.
5. Follow Step 2 ~ Step 4 of “To edit ACD programs” on Page 70.
Note For more information on downloading DK information, refer to the procedures in
Chapter 7 – Backup Menu (DKBackup).
E911/CAMA Trunk Programs (R4 Only)
Note Programs *11~*13 cannot be used by Strata DK Release 3 or earlier.
The E911/CAMA Trunk Programs option in the Administration Menu enables you to maintain
E911 and Centralized Automatic Message Accounting (CAMA) trunk programs.
10 provides two assignable RSTU, KSTU2, RDSU, PSTU, or PESU ports to
interface with Central Office (CO) E911 trunks. This program is only used when CAMA
trunks are connected to an E911 adjunct interface box, not when using Toshiba RMCU/RCMS
CAMA trunks.
E911 enhanced operation provides locator information (i.e., more complete name and address
information, including building, floor, etc.) to the responding agency. This is done by sending
the station number of the 911 caller to the E911 emergency center. This locator information is
then cross-referenced with name/number/address data in the E911 central database, and the
E911 operator receives the precise location along with the basic information.