Initialization & Test
Program 00 – Part 1: Software Check
Strata DK Programming 5/00 2-13
Initialization & Test
Program 00 Part 1 - Overview
This program enables you to run various checks on the Strata DK System.
DK14: the QKYS feature key must be installed on the QRCU3 PCB to allow AA.
DK40i: the KKYS feature key must be installed on the K5RCU PCB to allow AA.
DK424 and DK424i: the RKYS feature key must be installed on the RCTU or BCU to allow AA,
Code 0, ROM Version
Code 0 displays the software version of the system processor PCB or on the DK40i Base KSU, or
DK14 KSU, and if installed, the RKYS, KKYS, or QKYS key type. See the Program 00 Record
Sheet for an illustration of software displays. This information cannot be altered with this program.
Code 1, Level 1 Security Code
Use to assign a Remote Maintenance security code that allows entry to all programs and data.
Code 2, Level 2 Security Code
Use this program to assign a Remote Maintenance security code that allows entry to Programs
30~39, 77~89, and 30~31.
Important! When using a DKi Admin PC, either Security Code (1 or 2) enables the DKi Admin
user full access to all Strata DK programs. Always change Security Code 1 and
Code 2 to prevent unauthorized programming changes by DKi Admin users that
may try to log-in remotely with the default security code: 0000.
Code 8, Software RAM Checksum and Code 9, Power Off Counter
For factory purposes only.
Program 00 Part 1 - Example
Action (press buttons + LED Buttons) LCD Response
1. Use the programming LCD electronic or digital telephone. (See “First-
time Programming” on Page 1-14.)
No. N-N
Jan 20 Sun 06:43
2. ✱✱✱✱
Enter programming mode. (Do not press [DN] button.)
Program Mode
Speaker beeps to indicate when to enter program number. Access
Program 00.
Program = 00
Data Store
Prepare system for a selection.
00 Select =
5. Select one of the following attributes:
View the software version. This attribute can not be edited.
00 Select = 0
Note NN = The actual version
number and letter. See Program
00 record sheet for details).
X = 1, 2, or 3.