Least Cost Routing
Program 50-2 – LCR Home Area Code
Strata DK Programming 5/00 5-15
Least Cost Routing
Program 53 Overview
This program assigns up to three time schedules to each plan. Each time schedule consists of four
or six different route definition choices (defined in Program 54) available to the eight station
groups (defined in Program 56). It may be helpful to complete Program 54 portions of the plans
and Program 56 before proceeding.
If Schedules 1 & 2 start at the same time, then Time of Day schedule change does not occur, and
data only needs to be entered for Schedule 1.
Typical Installation Without Time Schedule Feature
In most cases, an installation does require use of the time schedule feature. To reflect this on the
record sheets for Plans 01~16:
1. Enter the same Schedule Start Times for Schedules 1 and 2. Use the military format - HH:MM
(Hours:Minutes). Fill in all four digits.
Note If LCR software sees Schedules 1 and 2 have the same start times, then it only looks at
Schedule 1 for route definitions.
2. Enter Route Definition numbers for Schedules 1 and 2. Four definitions (route pick or choices)
can be entered for each group.
♦ LCR Station (Class) Groups 1~8 are assigned in Program 56.
♦ LCR Route Definition numbers 1~4 or 1~6 are defined in Program 54.
3. The order in which the route definitions are entered defines the order of LCR line selection.
The most desirable route should be entered in the left-most position, and the least desirable
route in the right-most position.
4. If “1” is assigned to Station Group 1, and 1 for route definition only, then those assigned will
only be able to use Route Definition 1, thereby restricting them during times that route
definition 1 is not allowed.
5. Keep in mind that the route definition number is being entered, not the CO line group number.
The definitions are assigned in Program 54.
Installation Requiring Time Scheduling Feature
When an installation requires the time scheduling feature to be programmed, three “shifts” of route
definitions can be assigned per station group. To reflect this on the record sheet, substitute Step 1
of the procedure described for the typical customer with the following:
➤ Enter the Schedule Start Times for Schedules 1, 2 and 3. Use military time, in the format
HH:MM (Hours:Minutes). Fill in all four digits. Initialized data assigns “0000” to all times.
♦ Start time for schedule 2 is the stop time for schedule 1.
♦ Start time for schedule 3 is the stop time for schedule 2.
♦ Start time for schedule 1 is the stop time for schedule 3.