3.26 SETUP 3 Test and Diagnostics
PORTEGE A100 Maintenance Manual (960-460) 3-79
(b) Hard Disk Mode
Use this item to select the hard disk mode.
Enhanced IDE (Normal) :
Select this mode when the HDD is used for Windows XP Tablet PC Edition.
Standard IDE :
Select this mode when using an OS which does not support the Enhanced IDE.
When this mode is selected, up to 528MB is logically available and the rest of the
capacity is not usable.
Note: Formats for Enhanced IDE and Standard IDE are different, so if you change the
setting, you will have to reformat the hard disk for the appropriate setting.
(a) USB KB/Mouse Legacy Emulation
This option sets the Legacy support condition of the USB keyboard and the USB
Enabled Enables LEGACY support. (Default)
USB keyboard/USB mouse are available without the driver.
Disabled Disables LEGACY support.
(b) USB-FDD Legacy Emulation
This option sets the Legacy support condition of the USB floppy disk drive.
Enabled Enables LEGACY support. (Default)
USB floppy disk is available without the driver.
To start the computer by FD, set this option to "Enabled".
Disabled Disables LEGACY support.
This option sets the Enable / Disable of the built-in LAN functions.
Enabled Enables built-in LAN functions. (Default)