Tests and Diagnostics
PORTEGE M780 Maintenance Manual (960-809) [CONFIDENTIAL] 3-135 ODD Test
1) Test content
This test reads the test data in the CD inserted on the CD drive (External CD driver is also
possible) to verify
the data integrity. During the verification operation, update of the read address is performed
(displayed on the right side of the Addressing Data) and when the verification reaches the
end of the data, it is terminated.
■Simple Mode
This test mode reads 64MB data and compares it with the original data.
Detail Mode
This test mode reads 192MB data and compares it with the original data.
2) Test screen
▼ Addressing Data display: Displays the memory address of the test data.
The test data is a collection of data blocks separated by 32K bytes and the display
ranges from the data address (00000001) to the Simple test mode (000007FF) or the
Detail test mode (000017FF) is the address of a data block
3) Result judgmentBoth of PASS and FAIL are not displayed anywhere on the ODD screen..
The result is reflected to the log on the WinPE T&D screen.
■ In the case of PASS
The PASS Count on the test screen is zoomed in and (OK) is displayed in the Result field on
the WinPE T&D screen.