
6.16.1 From UPS to Maintenance Bypass
1) Move the “STOP/RUN” key switch, located on the front panel, to “STOP."
Operation of the UPS inverter stops. Output power is now provided to the load
through the Bypass circuit. While in this mode, if a power failure occurs on the
commercial power source, the UPS will lose power. Power to the critical
load device will be interrupted. The battery charging circuit and chopper circuit
remains active.
2) Verify that step one above is followed, and that the Bypass light indicator on the
front panel is lit.
3) Locate the Maintenance Bypass Rotary Switch (middle of inner front panel of the
UPS); slowly rotate the Cam Switch clockwise until “BYPASS MODE” Position is
4) Turn off MCCB breaker labeled “MAIN POWER SWITCH."
The unit is now in the Maintenance Bypass mode and may be serviced. For units
with internal transformers, the transformers are still energized.
6.16.2 From Maintenance Bypass to UPS
1) Verify that the “STOP/RUN” switch is in the “STOP” position. Turn on MCCB
2) Wait until the output fans turn on (this is a good indication that the unit is in the
Bypass mode), and that the Bypass indicator light on the front panel is lit.
3) For units with an external battery cabinet, turn on MCCB “BATTERY CABINET."
4) Locate the Maintenance Bypass Switch (middle of inner front panel of the UPS)
slowly rotate the Cam Switch counter-clockwise until “UPS MODE” Position is
5) Rotate the “STOP/RUN” switch to the “RUN” position.
6) Verify that the Inverter indicator light on the front panel is lit.
The unit is now back On-Line and supplying conditioned power to the load.
4200FA CT/XT User’s Manual 49