6. Computer and Alarm Connections
At the rear of the UPS is an interface that allows direct communication with a computer
system (see figure 2). There is a RS232 serial data interface, a USB data interface, and
an emergency power off switch. The RS232 port and the USB interface cannot be used
In addition there is an optional interface slot that allows for the installation of
communications cards. It may be used in parallel with either the RS232 or USB ports.
An SNMP/WEB card is available for the optional interface slot that allows for the
RemotEye II to manage and monitor the system over a network or over the internet.
6.1 RS-232 Standard Interface Port
Only the communication cable provided with the UPS may be used to connect the UPS
to a computer when using the RS232 port of the UPS. Ensure that the operating system
of the computer supports RS232 communications. Other advanced power protection
solutions, such as SNMP, are available from your dealer.
The RS-232 interface uses a 9-pin D-sub connector. The names and functions of the port
pins are listed in the following table.
DB9 Female Connector Outline
(facing connector)
Pin # Signal Direction (re UPS) Functions
2 TxD Output TxD Output
3 RxD Input RxD / Inverter Off Input
5 Common Common
6 Output Ac Fail Output
8 Output Low Battery Output
9 Output 8–24 VDC Power
Table 1 : RS232 Pin Out Signal