will require recharging more frequently during storage.
Avoid the following storage locations:
• Locations that are subject to extreme temperature changes or high humidity.
• Locations that are subject to high levels of dust or metal particles.
• Locations that are subject to excessive vibration.
• Inclined floor surfaces.
Storage Maintenance
• If stored at an ambient temperature less than 68 °F (20 °C), recharge the batteries
every 9 months.
• If stored at an ambient temperature of 68 – 86 °F (20 – 30 °C), recharge the
batteries every 6 months.
• If stored at an ambient temperature of 86 – 104 °F (30 – 40 °C), recharge the
batteries every 3 months.
Please contact your local or state environmental agency for details on disposal of
electrical components and packaging in your particular area.
It is illegal to dump lead-acid batteries in landfills or dispose of improperly.
Please help our Earth by contacting the environmental protection agencies in your area,
the battery manufacturer, or call Toshiba toll-free at (877) 867-8773 for more
information about recycling.