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Noce the Trace icon in the top le
corner of the work area. This is typical of
many of the opons from the menus.
Trace picks out signicant points
The current value of the trace is
displayed in the boom corner
Points of intersecon
Press b51 to choose the Graph Trace opon.
Press ¡ and ¢ to trace along the graph and see the coordinates
of current points in the lower right corner. For intricate
funcons progress can be slow along the curve but you
can change the Trace Sengs to increase the Trace Step:
press b53 and try a step of 0.5 or 1. To start tracing at
an integer value of x, in Graph Trace mode simply type the
integer and press ·.
Press £ or ¤ to move to the other graph. To trace through all
the visible funcons at once use b52. Noce
that signicant points such as maxima, minima and zeros are
automacally idened.
To stop tracing you need to press d. Check to see that the
Trace icon is no longer showing in the top le corner.
Here is the way to mark points of intersecon of two lines.
• Press b73 to choose the Intersecon Point(s) opon.
Noce the icon has appeared in the top le corner.
• Move the cursor to the graph of f1(x). With the graph
highlighted click x.
• Move to the graph of f2(x). With the graph highlighted
click x.
Noce that the Intersecon Points icon is sll visible so you
can go on to mark more intersecons. For example you could
try marking where the two graphs cross the y-axis.
Now press d.