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This document includes seven introductory tutorials to take new users through many key features of
TI-Nspire™ maths and science learning technology. This technology includes both handhelds and computer
soware, providing teachers the exibility to meet dierent classroom needs. However, the primary focus of
these tutorials is the handheld device. All acvies are equally applicable to the computer soware but screen
shots and key presses relate to the handheld.
The tutorials are designed to be worked through in order, with later ones building on skills covered earlier.
The rst me you meet a new technique, there are very detailed instrucons about which keys to press –
but, as you would expect, the amount of detail is reduced when the technique is used subsequently.
In an Appendix you will nd an example that links together several of the applicaons introduced separately in
the tutorials. As well as enabling you to revisit many of the techniques you met earlier, it provides an example
of the use of “mulple representaons” of mathemacal concepts.
In the tutorials you will nd occasional references to documents that are supplied in electronic form with your
TI-Nspire handheld.
They are also available from , choose TI-Nspire technology.
They are:
• Geng Started with the TI-Nspire™ CX / TI-Nspire™ CX CAS Handheld
• TI-Nspire™ Reference Guide
• TI-Nspire™ Technology Version 3.0 Release Notes
• Mulple representaons, dynamically linked, encouraging dierent approaches to solving problems and
expressing soluons.
• A complete set of mathemacal tools for algebra, geometry, number, calculus, stascs, matrices and
vectors, nance and real-world data logging.
• Working documents which can be saved, recalled, edited, transferred between handheld and computer and
distributed electronically.
• A tool for key concept and key skill development across all the secondary school years.
First edion, November 2007.
Second edion, February 2008.
Third edion, August 2008.
Fourth edion, June 2010.
Fih edion, September 2011.
Sixth edion, January 2012.