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Page 4-10
To use the fan-out block, proceed as follows:
a. The furcation block has about 1.5 m (~5 ft) of transparent tubing for 900 µm fi-
bers. Cut the transparent tubing back to 11½ in.(~300 mm).
b. Slip the fibers through the furcation block and transparent tubes and move the
ends of the transparent tubes up to the SC/APC connectors.
c. Next, slip on the heat-shrink tube supplied with the fan-out kit
d. Place the furcation block onto the bottom cover.
e. Snap on the top cover.
f. Slide up the heat-shrink tube against the block and heat shrink.
5. Secure ends of both distribution tubes at opposite entrances to the cassette, route
fiber throughout cassette (Page 4-9), trim excess, slip on splice sleeve, and splice.
6. Record terminations on designation label included with cassette.
7. Finish all splices in a cassette before moving to the next.
8. Continue with the remainder of the fibers from the distribution cable — splicing them to connectorized fibers — before moving to
the next cable.
After every 72 fibers (6 fan-out blocks), connect ends of fiber into adapters on the patch module, shown in the following illustra-
tion. Use the bracket provided on the patch module to secure the fan-out blocks to the patch module chassis.
9. Complete all cassettes in a pod before mounting the pod to the rear door and before routing the loose tubing.
Transparent Tubes
Furcation Block
Heat-Shrink Tube
Loose Tubing
Bottom Cover
6 Fan-Out Blocks
Per Patch Module