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The cabinet accommodates up to 16 strands of OSP feeder cable. Telect sup-
plies two cable clamps that accommodate cables between
/8 in. (9.6 mm)
and 1
/5 in. (30.5 mm) in diameter. Each clamp, shown on the right, uses sev-
eral layers of gasket or bushing leaves to hold the cable fast between the two
halves of the clamp.
OSP cable can be dry or wet, armored or unarmored. To connect to adapters
in the cabinet the incoming feeder fiber needs to be spliced to fiber strands
with SC/APC connectors.
To install a feeder cable, proceed as follows:
1. Open rear door.
Bulkhead Swings on Hinge
to Allow Access to Rear
Connectors and Adapters
From Front Compartment
Acorn Nuts (3) Secure Patch
Module to Rear Wall of Partition
Patch Module
Installing Model MDC-P72N Patch Module
Bushing Leaves
OSP Cable
Leaves are provided in an onion
skin roll to accommodate
multifiber cabling from .375 in. to
1.25 in. (9.5 mm to 32 mm) in dia