
To change the keyboard layout, tap on the drop-down arrow and select a
language from the list.
This option allows you to set the tab key to either move within fields or move to
a tab stop.
To change the tab key movement, tap on the
drop-down arrow and make a
selection from the list.
Enable Jog-Dial
This option allows you to use the Jog-Dial
navigator, instead of the stylus, to
select and open applications and perform other functions with one hand. Jog-
Dial is enabled by default.
To suspend the Jog-Dial feature, tap
Enable Jog-Dial (removes the check mark).
To use Jog-Dial again, tap
Enable Jog-Dial (places a check mark in the box).
Layout Info
This option displays the current Layout setting, copyright and contact
information for assistance with additional international layouts you may have
installed on your CLIÉ.
To view this information, tap the
Layout Info on-screen button.