4.6.6 Picture Control
(not for TANDBERG 1500 MXP)
Focus, Brightness and White balance are set for auto focus, auto brightness and auto white
balance by default. If you need to set focus, brightness and white balance manually, go to
Picture Control in Video Settings.
In Auto mode the focus is continuously updated. When moving the camera, the
system will use auto focus for 5 seconds to set the right focus of the new
camera position. After 5 seconds auto focus is turned off to prevent continuous
focus adjustments of the camera.
Use the arrow keys to manually adjust the focus.
In Auto mode the brightness is continuously updated.
Use the arrow keys to manually adjust the brightness.
White balance
In Auto mode the white balance is continuously updated.
To update the white balance manually, select Manual and press OK. A white
object should be held in front of the camera a few seconds before and after
selecting Manual white balance.
4.6.7 Video Name
As a default, each video input is given the name: Main Cam, PC and VNC. The video names
cannot exceed eight characters. The names correspond to the video names in the
Presentation Menu (Choose Presentation from the main menu and open the Main Video or
Presentation Video pop up menu). If video names are changed, you will see the changed
name appear in the Main Video and Presentation Video menus.