3 General Use
Call Type
Call Type can be set to Video Call (default) or Telephone Call. Using
Video, the system will try to connect as a video call. Some network
configurations will cause the fallback to a telephone call to fail. In these
cases, you should set the call type to telephone and the call will be placed
as a telephone type only. For MultiSite calls, Call Type enables you to
specify both telephone calls and video calls in the same conference.
The Network alternatives are: Auto, ISDN and H.323 (LAN). The system
will, by default, try to connect using Auto Network. That means that the
system will automatically use the right network depending on the number
you have dialed.
If Auto is selected, the system will select a network based upon the
following criteria:
If an IP-address (e.g. ) is entered, H.323 (LAN) is
If the first digits in the number match those set in H.323 Prefix
under H.323 Settings, LAN is selected.
In other cases, ISDN (H.320) is selected.
If you need to ensure that you make an H.323 or ISDN call, specify this by
choosing H.323 or ISDN. ISDN indicates ISDN-BRI, ISDN-PRI, Leased
E1/T1 and External Networks. If a gatekeeper is present, you may place
IP-calls using “telephone-style” numbers (an E.164 alias), according to the
numbering plan implemented in the gatekeeper. The gatekeeper will then
translate the dialed number into an IP-address (see chapter H.323
Settings for more information about gatekeepers).
Bandwidth decides the quality of the video picture. The system will, by
default, connect using Auto Bandwidth. This means that the system will
establish a connection using a proper bandwidth for your call.
The typical bandwidths used for ISDN and IP calls are 384kbps and
768kbps respectively. When bandwidth is set to auto, the unit will default
to 384kbps for ISDN calls and 768kbps for IP calls.
A restricted call is a call that uses 56kbps channels rather then the default
unrestricted 64kbps channels. Some older networks (primarily in the USA)
do not support 64kbps channels and require the use of restricted 56kbps
calls. By default the system will dial an unrestricted call and downspeed to
56kbps if necessary. To force a restricted call, choose Restrict (56k) On.
An indicator “(56k)” will be shown beside the number.
Use Set as
If you want to change the default Call Settings, make the desired changes
to the Call Settings and Press Set as Default. Press OK to Save. These
settings will now be the default settings for all future manually dialed calls.