Chapter 4 Command Reference
Serial Interface Communication Commands
4-14 User’s Guide
This query returns the duplex state of the RS-232 port.
Returns a single character, 0 or 1.
A value of 0 indicates echo is OFF; a value of 1 indicates echo is ON.
This command sets flow control of the RS-232 port.
The choices are XON or NONE.
The software pacing or flow control state is stored in non-volatile
memory. It is unaffected by powerup.
This query returns the flow control state of the RS-232 port.
Returns XON or NONE.
SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:PARity EVEN | ODD | NONE
This command sets parity of the RS-232 port.
The choices are EVEN, ODD, or NONE.
The parity state is stored in non-volatile memory. It is unaffected by
If parity is enabled, the 58502A sends/receives 7 data bits plus 1 parity
bit. If parity is disabled, the 58502A sends/receives 8 data bits.
This query returns the parity setting of the RS-232 port.
Returns EVEN, ODD, or NONE.