
Chapter 2 Performance Tests
2-2 User’s Guide
This chapter provides procedures to test the electrical performance of
the 58502A Distribution Amplifier specifications listed in Chapter 7,
“This chapter provides electrical specifications and supplemental
characteristics for the 58502A Broadband Distribution Amplifier.
Electrical specifications describe the instrument’s warranted
performance. Supplemental characteristics are intended to provide
information useful to apply to the instrument by giving typical or
nominal, but non-warranted performance parameters.,” of this guide.
It also provides calibration procedures for the 58502A units that
contain the Option 010 Backup Oscillator.
Three types of testing are provided:
Operational Verification, starting on page 2-2
Performance Tests, starting on page 2-2
Calibration (Option 010 Only), starting on page 2-2
Operational Verification
The Operational Verification test is an abbreviated series of checks
that may be performed to give a high degree of confidence that the
instrument is operating properly without performing the Acceptance
Test. An operational verification is useful for incoming inspection and
after instrument repair.
Performance Tests
The Performance Tests verify the specifications listed in Chapter 7,
“Specifications.” All tests can be performed without access to the inside
of the instrument.
Calibration (Option 010 Only)
The recommended 58502A calibration period is 12 months. You may
perform calibration more often to obtain greater accuracy. This is
dependent on the aging rate of the 58502A’s internal reference
oscillator and the amount of deviation from the frequency stability
needed for your application.
Test Record
The results of the Operational Verification, and Acceptance Test
should be recorded on a copy of the Acceptance Test Record, located at
the end of this chapter.