Within each series, the dives are given numbers. The first dive of the
series is DIVE 1, the second DIVE 2, and so on.
If you start a new dive with less than five (5) minutes at the surface,
Suunto D4i treats the new dive as part of the previous dive. The
dive time continues where it left off.
After five (5) minutes or more at the surface, any new dives are part
of a repetitive dive series. The dive counter displayed in the
planning mode adds one to each new dive in the repetitive series.
The planning mode allows you to review the no-decompression
limits on the next dive in a series.
3.21 Suunto RGBM
Suunto's decompression model development originates from the
1980s when Suunto implemented Bühlmann's model based on M-
values in Suunto SME. Since then research and development has
been ongoing with the help of both external and internal experts.
In the late 1990s, Suunto implemented Dr. Bruce Wienke's RGBM
(Reduced Gradient Bubble Model) bubble model to work with the
earlier M-value based model. The first commercial products with the
feature were the iconic Suunto Vyper and Suunto Stinger. With
these products the improvement of diver safety was significant as
they addressed a number of diving circumstances outside the range
of dissolved-gas-only models by:
Monitoring continuous multiday diving
Computing closely spaced repetitive diving
Reacting to a dive deeper than the previous dive