Deepstop (see
3.17 Safety stops and deepstops
Air time (see
3.2 Air time
3.12.2 Nitrox Mode
NITROX mode is for diving with oxygen-enriched gas mixtures.
Diving with Nitrox allows you to increase bottom times or reduce
the risk of decompression illness. However, when the gas mix is
altered or depth increased, the oxygen partial pressure is generally
increased. Suunto D4i provides you with information to adjust your
dive and stay within safe limits.
NITROX mode has the following settings
Nitrox (gas mixture): define up to three mixes
Personal/altitude adjustment (see
3.16 Personal and altitude
Depth alarm (see
3.10 Depth alarm
Dive time alarm (see
3.14 Dive time alarm
Sample rate (see
3.18 Sample rate
Deepstop (see
3.17 Safety stops and deepstops
Air time (see
3.2 Air time
In NITROX mode, both the percentage of oxygen in your tank and
the oxygen partial pressure limit must be entered into Suunto D4i.
This ensures correct nitrogen and oxygen calculations and the
correct maximum operating depth (MOD), which is based on your
entered values.
To modify the gas mix settings:
While in Nitrox mode, keep [DOWN] pressed.
Press [SELECT] to enter the Nitrox settings.