damages. Suunto shall not be liable for delay in rendering warranty
5.6 Copyright
Copyright © Suunto Oy. All rights reserved. Suunto, Suunto product
names, their logos and other Suunto brand trademarks and names
are registered or unregistered trademarks of Suunto Oy. This
document and its contents are proprietary to Suunto Oy and are
intended solely for the use of clients to obtain knowledge and
information regarding the operation of Suunto products. Its
contents shall not be used or distributed for any other purpose
and/or otherwise communicated, disclosed or reproduced without
the prior written consent of Suunto Oy. While we have taken great
care to ensure that information contained in this documentation is
both comprehensive and accurate, no warranty of accuracy is
expressed or implied. This document content is subject to change at
any time without notice. The latest version of this documentation
can be downloaded at www.suunto.com.
5.7 Terms
Term What it means
Altitude dive
A dive made at an elevation greater than 300 m
(1000 ft) above sea level.
Ascent rate
The speed at which the diver ascends toward the