3.17 Rebreather diving
Suunto DX has one mode dedicated to rebreather diving, CCR
mode. This mode uses fixed high/low setpoint values which you can
modify in the watch or through DM5.
Fixed setpoint calculation enables Suunto DX to be used as a
backup dive computer on rebreather dives. It does not control or
monitor the rebreather unit in any way.
When you select CCR mode (see
3.11.3 CCR mode
), the gas settings
split into two: CC gases (closed-circuit gases) and OC gases (open-
circuit gases).
NOTE: For rebreather dives, Suunto DX should be used as a
backup device only. The primary control and monitoring of your
gases should be done through the rebreather itself.
3.18 Sample rate
The sample rate controls how often information from the dive is
saved to the active log. The sample rate options are: 10, 20, 30 and
60 seconds. The default sample rate is 20 seconds.
To change the sample rate:
1. While in a dive mode, keep [DOWN] pressed.
Press [UP] to scroll to Sample Rate and press [SELECT].
3. Press [DOWN] or [UP] to change the rate and confirm with
Press MODE to exit.