
94 Sun Fire V490 Server Administration Guide August 2004
prtconf Command
The prtconf command displays the Solaris device tree. This tree includes all the
devices probed by OpenBoot firmware, as well as additional devices, like individual
disks, that only the operating system software “knows” about. The output of
prtconf also includes the total amount of system memory.
CODE EXAMPLE 6-7 shows
an excerpt of prtconf output (edited to save space).
CODE EXAMPLE 6-7 prtconf Command Output
The prtconf command’s -p option produces output similar to the OpenBoot
show-devs command (see show-devs Command” on page 92). This output lists
only those devices compiled by the system firmware.
prtdiag Command
The prtdiag command displays a table of diagnostic information that summarizes
the status of system components.
System Configuration: Sun Microsystems sun4u
Memory size: 1024 Megabytes
System Peripherals (Software Nodes):
packages (driver not attached)
SUNW,builtin-drivers (driver not attached)
SUNW,UltraSPARC-IV (driver not attached)
memory-controller, instance #3
pci, instance #0
SUNW,qlc, instance #5
fp (driver not attached)
disk (driver not attached)
pci, instance #2
ebus, instance #0
flashprom (driver not attached)
bbc (driver not attached)
power (driver not attached)
i2c, instance #1
fru, instance #17