
Chapter 6 Diagnostic Tools 87
FIGURE 6-4 OpenBoot Diagnostics Interactive Test Menu
Interactive OpenBoot Diagnostics Commands
You run individual OpenBoot Diagnostics tests from the obdiag> prompt by typing:
where n represents the number associated with a particular menu item.
There are several other commands available to you from the obdiag> prompt. For
descriptions of these commands, see
TABLE 6-11 in “Reference for OpenBoot
Diagnostics Test Descriptions” on page 109.
You can obtain a summary of this same information by typing help at the obdiag>
From the ok Prompt: The test and test-all Commands
You can also run OpenBoot Diagnostics tests directly from the ok prompt. To do this,
type the test command, followed by the full hardware path of the device (or set of
devices) to be tested. For example:
obdiag> test n
ok test /pci@x,y/SUNW,qlc@2
o b d i a g
1 SUNW,qlc@2
3 ebus@1
6 i2c@1,30
9 network@2
12 rtc@1,300070
2 bbc@1,0
4 flashprom@0,0
7 ide@6
10 pmc@1,300700
13 serial@1,400000
5 i2c@1,2e
8 network@1
11 rsc-control@1,3062f8
14 usb@1,3
Commands: test test-all except help what setenv set-default exit
diag-passes=1 diag-level=off test-args=subtests