Version 3.1-en Solaris 10 Container Guide - 3.1 5. Cookbooks Effective: 30/11/2009
5.1.8. Uninstalling a zone
[dd] Installed zones are uninstalled by zoneadm -z <zone> uninstall. In doing so, the
following actions are carried out:
• Deletion of data in the zonepath subdirectory
• Conversion of zone status in /etc/zones/index into configured
5.1.9. Configuration and installation of a Linux branded zone with CentOS
[dd] Linux branded zones can only be set up on x86/x64 systems. The Linux distribution is not a
Solaris component and must be provided separately (here, as ISO images).
global# zonecfg -z centos
centos: No such zone configured
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
zonecfg:centos> create -t SUNWlx
zonecfg:centos> set zonepath=/zones/centos
zonecfg:centos> add net
zonecfg:centos:net> set physical=bge0
zonecfg:centos:net> set address=
zonecfg:centos:net> end
zonecfg:centos> add attr
zonecfg:centos:attr> set name=audio
zonecfg:centos:attr> set type=boolean
zonecfg:centos:attr> set value=true
zonecfg:centos:attr> end
zonecfg:centos> verify
zonecfg:centos> commit
zonecfg:centos> exit
global# zoneadm -z centos install -v -d /dist/brandz/images
A ZFS file system has been created for this zone.
Verbose output mode enabled.
Installing zone "centos" at root "/zones/centos"
Attempting ISO-based install from directory:
Checking possible ISO
added as lofi device "/dev/lofi/1"
Attempting mount of device "/dev/lofi/1"
on directory "/tmp/lxiso"... succeeded.
Attempting to read "/tmp/lxiso/.discinfo"...
Unmounting device "/dev/lofi/1"... succeeded.
Completing installation; this may take a few minutes.
Setting up the initial lx brand environment.
System configuration modifications complete.
Installation of CentOS 3.8 to zone
'centos' completed Mon Aug 6 16:42:55 CEST 2007.
Installation of zone 'centos' completed successfully.
Details saved to log file: