
Version 3.1-en Solaris 10 Container Guide - 3.1 4. Best Practices Effective: 30/11/2009 Zones and limitations in the network
[dd] Zones have different limitations related to network configurations.
The following table shows the differences separated by zone type and IP instance type. Some
functionalities can be configured and used within zones themselves (+), affect only the functionality of
zones, or can be used by services within a zone, or cannot be used at all in local zones (-).
Functionality Global zone Local zone with exclusive
IP instance
Local zone with shared
IP instance
DHCP client + + -
DHCP server + + -
ifconfig(1M) + + -
IPfilter + + Effect on zone (filter)
IPMP + + Usable in zone (redundancy)
IPQoS + Effect on zone (bandwidth) Effect on zone (bandwidth)
IPsec + + Usable in zone (communication)
Multicast + + -
ndd parameter + + -
NFS server + - -
RAW network access + + -
Routing daemon + + -
Routing settings + + Effect on zone (routing)
snoop(1M) + + -
Solaris network cache and
accelerator (NCA)
+ - -
Table 5: Zones and limitations in the network