
GP Series Portable Chillers Chapter 4: Operation 47 of 90
4-7 Alarms
The controller is setup with multiple alarms, most of them configurable using the Supervisor
password. Section 4-5 Controller Setpoints on page 41 gives a list of alarms that the
controller is setup to display. The alarms are broken up into two categories warnings and
faults. The warning notifies the user that the parameter has been exceeded and the chiller is
allowed to keep operating, but should be monitored to determine the cause of the warning.
The fault notifies the user that the parameter has been exceeded and the chiller and pump has
been shut down to protect the system.
4-8 Optional Communications
The communications function allows you to monitor and set the parameters by a program
prepared and running on a host computer connected to the controller.
Serial communications use a RS-485 hardware interface. Protocols available are BACNet,
LONWorks, CANBus, and ModBus RTU (Slave mode only). See Appendix for the
controller data that is available through these protocols.
Network communications use a RJ-45 hardware interface using the basic Ethernet TCP/IP
layer stack. Protocols available are BACNet (Ethernet, IP, or MS/TP) and ModBus IP. See
Appendix for the controller data that is available through these protocols.