
GP Series Portable Chillers Chapter 4: Operation 35 of 90
Chapter 4: Operation
4-1 Panel Buttons, Indicator Lights, and Switches
Microprocessor Controller
The standard chillers use a microprocessor-based PID controller. The Carel PCO controller is
located in the control enclosure. The Carel PGD1 Interface is housed in a block of rigid
plastic with a magnetic backing that allows the user to “stick” the interface on any metallic
surface. The GP20 through GP50 units come standard with a 10 ft (3 m) cable, and the GP70
through GP210 units come standard with a 20 ft (6 m) cable. Longer cables are available
through the After Market Sales Group. The controller is factory set and adjusted; no field
adjustment to the internal controls is necessary. The standard operation range is 20ºF to 80ºF
(-7ºC to 27ºC).
Warning! Operating the chiller setpoint below 45°F (7°C) without the proper
amount of glycol for freeze protection could result in a damaged
evaporator. ACS Group does not warrant the freeze up of the
evaporator under any circumstances.
Figure 12: Controller Display