
CGI Command Manual
AgcMaxGain "0" to "7","15" camera - 1.00 It is fixed value by the model. Refer to Appendix.
Gain "0" to "15" camera camera.cgi 1.00 Adjust gain. This is effective when ExpMode is manual.
ExpCompMode "on"/"off" camera camera.cgi 1.00
ExpComp "0" to "14" camera camera.cgi 1.00 Adjust exposure.
/210/210T: "0" to "6"
camera camera.cgi 1.12
Brightness "0" to "10" camera camera.cgi 1.00 Adjust brightness.
Saturation "0" to "6" camera camera.cgi 1.00 Adjust saturation.
Sharpness "0" to "6" camera camera.cgi 1.00 Adjust sharpness.
Contrast "0" to "6" camera camera.cgi 1.00 Adjust contrast.
IrisMode "auto"/"manual" camera camera.cgi 1.00
This command select IRIS control mode. It is effective only when a
connected analog camera copes with it.
VideoInStatus "1"/"0" camera camera.cgi 1.10 It is "1" when there is video signal input.
VideoPTRefreshTrg "on" - camera.cgi 1.2 The drive of the image is refreshed.
VideoPTRefresh "on"/"off" camera camera.cgi 1.2 The refresh function is set up.
VideoPTRefreshInterval <hhmmss> camera camera.cgi 1.2 An executive interval is set up.
VideoPTRefreshPeriod "always"/"schedule" camera camera.cgi 1.2
VideoPTRefreshSchedule <schedule> camera camera.cgi 1.2 An executive schedule is set up.
AspectRatioConversion "squeeze/"letterbox" camera camera.cgi 1.3 It is the way that an aspect ratio conversions.
EffectiveArea<n> <upper left X>,<upper left
Y>,<lower right X>,<lower right Y>
camera - 1.3
It is the coordinate of the effective area of the image. An origin is the
upper left.
The command which can't be used in each model is shown in the following table.
Model name Unsupported command (Camera)
SNC-CH110 AlmBufCodec, AspectRatioConversion, AudInCodec, AudioIn, AudioInVolume, AudioNoiseReduction, AudioOut, AudioOutVolume,