TwinViewletsyouseetwopicturesfromtwosources l?omanantenna,
VCR,DVD,etc. onthescreenatthesametime.Youhearthesoundfioln
Displaying Twin
Tune the TV to a working channel.
Press CII.
A second picture appears.
Press {J or _).
Factors Affecting Twin View
If you use a cable box, you can view the cable box output m one window and view a different source
isuch as a VCR or DVD player Jin the second window by using . For details, see
"Connecting Optional Eqmpment'" on page 3K
Digital TV channels, as welt as aW sources cmmected to the VIDEO 4. VIDEO 5. and VIDEO 6
inputs, display in the left window, but not the right.
Ifvou are viewing a 4:3 source and a t6:9 enhanced source (such as a DVD_ side by side. the 4:3
source appears larger.
Twin View does not display channels that are blocked by parental settings (see page 112).