Rotationnotsavedafter TheMemoryStickmightbelocked.UnlocktheMemoryStickandtryrotatingthe
MemoryStickisejectedor imageagain.
MemoryStickViewerisclosed Thefilemightnothaveinformation(EXIFdata)thatisusuallygeneratedwhena
Cannotshow(orhide)file Setthe optionto or (seepages87and90).
Cannotseemenu Presstodisplaythemenuagain.
Cannothearaudiowhile ChecktheTV'svolumeor (page107)settings.
usingMemoryStick TohearJPEGvoicememo,selectthe .... optionandsetthe
optionto .
Checkthatthe optionisnottosetto (seepage91).
NotallMP3filesonMemory ThemaximumnumberofMP3filestheMemoryStickViewercandisplayis128.
Stickareincludedwhenthe Makesurethatthefileisnamedwiththefileextension(.mp3).
MPEGi movie does not S0me variations ofMPEGi movies may noi be compatil_ie with the Memory siiek
playback correctly Viewer.
MPEG1 quality is poor when The quality of the movie when enlarged depends on the resolution of the MPEGI
enlarged (page 89) file. See your camera's instruction manual for details.
MP3 files on the Memory Stick Only MP3 files that are named with the file extension (.mp3) are displayed in the
are not listed list.
Music files are playing in MP3 files are played in alphabetical order, according to the folder in which they
wrong order are stored. If you want to change the playlist order, rename your files
alphabetically in the order in which you want them to play.
Cannot see MP3 list to play MP3 files on your Memory Stick only can be played as background music during
music a slideshow (see page 91).
Error message No Memory Stick There is no Memory Stick in the slot.
is displayed ....... Memory Stick is locked The 10ck mechanism on the Memory Stick is engaged.
Memory Stick Error The Memory Stick in the slot might be damaged; try a
different Memory Stick.
Format Error The Memory Stick may have been formatted using a
PC or other device that is not compatible with cameras.
Error icon is displayed The file is not a valid MPEGI or JPEG f'omlat.
The thumbnail is not DCF-compatible.
The file is a JPEG or an MPEGI, but the thumbnail is
The file is unreadable.