
8 Table of Contents
[ S N O M 1 9 0 A D M I N I S T R A T O R M A N U A L V 3 . 0 0 ]
snom technology AG 9
Delivery Content
Please check whether the delivery contains the following parts:
§ The base unit with display and keypad
§ The handset
§ The handset cable
§ The power supply
Safety Notes
Please observe the following safety advice. It is crucial for the
safe and reliable operation of the device.
Power supply
Uuse the external power supply that is included in the package.
Other power supplies may cause damage to the phone, affect the behavior
or induce noise.
Setting up the Phone
The snom 190 should only be placed on even, horizontal surfaces
that enable the rubber pads to ensure a secure grip. Do not place the
snom 190 on carpets or other materials that contain bers that could
block the air vents and cause overheating.