
88 Call Register
[ S N O M 1 9 0 A D M I N I S T R A T O R M A N U A L V 3 . 0 0 ]
snom technology AG 89
[ S N O M 1 9 0 A D M I N I S T R A T O R M A N U A L V 3 . 0 0 ]
Similarly, you have the option to set the H.323 ID in the form of
a url through this setting.
GK/GW Mode
Through the GK/GW Mode setting, the administrator has an
option to select the mode for the registrar to either “Auto”, “Gatekeeper”,
“Gateway” or “None”.
GK/GW IP Address
Specify the IP address of the Gatekeeper or Gateway with which
you would like to register your phone.
If you selected “Gatekeeper” in the GK/GW Mode above, you can
specify the Time To Live (TTL) through this setting.
Message Center Number
Administrators can set the message center number through this
Dynamic RTP port start
If you want to set up the RTP port dynamically, give the start port
number in this setting.
Dynamic RTP port end
Similarly, give the last port number in this setting for dynamic
RTP port selection.
Type of Service (TOS)
You can set up the TOS in this setting. A value could, for example,
be 160.