T12017-Sentry_LANServer_Users_Manual Page 4 of 59
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2269 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
1. Product Description
1.1. General
Sierra Monitor Corporation offers a wide range of choices for data output from Sentry Gas
Monitoring systems. In some cases a simple printer output of gas conditions, calibration
confirmations and alarms is satisfactory to meet due diligence requirements. In large plant-
wide monitoring situations the Modbus serial communications output is used to interface to
existing or new GUI programs that might include information from other safety and process
systems in the plant. For most applications the solution lies between these two choices.
The Sentry LANServer has been developed to combine the power and flexibility of the
Sentry Gas Risk Management System with the interoperability strength of the FieldServer
LANServer from FieldServer Technologies. The reliability of a proven gas detection system
is combined with the modern technology of the web.
1.2. Features
The LANServer provides a cost-effective, easy-to-use graphical display of hazardous gas
conditions using the Microsoft™ Explorer web-browser
• Safety data presented visually on a PC located in the plant or remotely
• Interaction with the hazardous gas detection system through a familiar web browser - no
requirement to learn a new GUI program
• Ability to web-browse to system data using LAN, WAN or over the Internet
• Easy to configure graphical color changes are displayed as events
• All current alarms dynamically displayed and updated on a single web page
• An event log provides easy access to history for due diligence
• Cost-effective system includes ActiveX tools to configure using Microsoft FrontPage.
• The full system available from a single supplier with an outstanding reputation for before
and after sales technical support
1.3. Operation
All of the data available from the Sentry Modbus serial communications link interfaces to the
LANServer via an RS-232 link. The LANServer converts the information into a graphical
display package that can be viewed using Microsoft Internet Explorer. Standard introductory
screens enable the user to start operating immediately. Configuration software and the
ActiveX tools supplied enable the user to modify the provided display to individual
specifications using Microsoft FrontPage. Sierra Monitor can provide graphical design and
development service if desired.