T12017-Sentry_LANServer_Users_Manual Page 16 of 59
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Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2269 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
5.3. Interpreting Sentry-Sensor Controls
A Sentry-Sensor control presents data for one single sensor one single Sentry. The color
changes to report the status, and the control displays the gas concentration, tag name and
Red: Sensor concentration is above the alarm set point.
Orange: Sensor concentration is above warning set point.
Sensor Tag Name
If the sensor tag name found in the Sentry is blank then the sensor tag
name allocated during construction of the web page is displayed.
Sensor Engineering
The engineering units as configured in the Sentry. If none are configured
in the Sentry, then none are shown.
If the value is less than 10 then one decimal point is shown.
A warning is
active and there
is no alarm.
An alarm is
There is a
problem with
this sensor.
Sensor Tag
engineering units.
If the Sentry-Sensor controls report ‘offline’
or “Format Err” then the problem indicated
does not relate to the state of the Sensor but
to the transfer of new data to the web page.
There are a number of possible causes
described in the Trouble Shooting section.
If this happens once, after the WebServer
has been reset then ignore this error.