Port Type Assignment
Each port must be assigned a port type. A port type defines is a set of
characteristics that make the port exhibit a specific behavior. These
characteristics typically include but are not limited to the following…
- Audio loop back on or off
- DTMF muting on or off
- DTMF command decoding enabled / disabled
- Transmitter carrier delay on or off
- Telemetry generation to port transmit output
- Etc…
Port types
The repeater port type loops back audio, adds carrier delay, mute DTMF
audio, etc. In general it behaves the way you would want a repeater to
A link port type is used for all RF or VOIP point to point link circuits which
are part of the network “backbone”.
Remote Base
The remote base port type is a used for HF/VHF/UHF remotely controlled
base stations. The remote base port will not accept DTMF commands from
the outside world and will not generate transmit telemetry. The control
system will make the remote base radio sound as must like a manually
operated transceiver as possible. The remote base can be frequency and
mode agile and takes additional parameters to assign the radio control
format necessary to control the remote base radio.
The IRLP port type is similar to a remote base port but is used for public
VOIP networks like IRLP, Echolink and others.
The VOIP Link port type is similar to the Link port type but adds additional
conditions to handle radio over IP signaling.
Syntax example
*C201 r1 r2 … D
r1 r2… is a list of physical ports from 0 to 7.