3. Set Audio Levels
Each radio control board has 4 digitally controlled audio level set potentiometers. The
control the receiver and transmitter audio levels, telemetry level generated by the RCB
that is sent only to that specific transmitter and an auxiliary audio input level. The local
telemetry generator per transmitter is used for dial tone, busy signal, function complete,
CW ID and other functions. The auxiliary audio input is typically used for sub-audible
CTCSS and other externally generated signaling tones.
Audio level set dialog box
Use the “radio buttons” to select the specific audio level you want to set. Pick a port on
the left and a level set pot on the top. Then click one of the level adjust buttons on the
right side to change the pot level.
Interactive, real time audio level setting from the computer.
This is an interactive dialog box. Most commands and parameters entered on most
screens are not sent to the control system until the “download configuration to control
system” is performed. In the case of the audio level set screen, as you change audio
level values, they are sent real time to the control system. This allows you to set all
audio levels in the control system while connected to actual radio and test equipment.
This is the equivalent of adjusting up to 36 little audio pots but without having to bring
your little green screwdriver.
Each audio level can be set between 0 and 255. 0 is minimum (“Min”) which shuts off
the audio, 127 is Mid scale and 255 is maximum (“Max”) audio. Audio is adjusted by