
Class 8839 58M Enclosed AC Drives
© 2000–2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
d. There shall be no restriction on space
requirements between floor mounted
e. A mechanical interlock shall prevent
personnel from opening the AC Drive door
when the disconnect is in the “ON” position. It
shall be possible for authorized personnel to
defeat this interlock. Provisions shall be
provided for locking all disconnects in the off
position with up to three padlocks. Provisions
shall also be made for accepting a padlock on
the circuit breaker disconnect, preventing
movement of the disconnect to the “ON”
position when the door is open.
f. Provisions shall be made for both top and
bottom conduit entry. Conduit knockouts shall
be provided for wall mounted enclosures.
Removable conduit entry plates shall be
provided for floor mounted enclosures.
g. All fans within an enclosed AC Drive including
the AC Drive heatsink fans shall be front
accessible and removable without removal of
the AC Drive power converter to facilitate
maintenance and or fan replacement.
h. Control wiring shall have permanent wire
markings printed on the wire insulation. Both
ends of the control wiring shall contain wire
markings per the as built control elementary
diagram. Red control wiring shall be used for
115Vac control circuits and blue control wiring
shall be used for 24V control circuits.
i. All AC Drive enclosure shall be painted ANSI
49 Gray. The enclosure interior shall include a
white mounting surface for control and power
component mounting for improved visibility.
a. The AC Drive shall be sized to operate the
following AC motor:
Motor Horsepower
Motor full load ampere [specify rating
coordinated to NEC Table 430-150]
Motor RPM [3600/3000,1800/1500,
1200/1000,900/750,720/600,600/500] at
60 Hz
Motor voltage [208,230,460]
Motor service factor [1.0,1.15,1.25]
a. The AC Drive shall be sized to operate a
[Variable Torque, Constant Torque] load.
b. The speed range shall be from a minimum
speed of 0.5 Hz to a maximum speed of
400 Hz.
a. The AC Drive shall be of construction that
allows operation in a pollution Degree 3
environment. The AC Drive shall meet IEC
60664-1 and NEMA ICS 1 Standards. AC
Drives that are only rated for Pollution Degree
2 environment shall not be allowed.
b. The AC Drive shall be designed to operate in
an ambient temperature from 0 to + 40 °C
(+32 to 104 °F).
c. The storage temperature range shall be -25 to
+ 70 °C (-13 to 158 °F).
d. The maximum relative humidity shall be 95%
at 40 °C (104 °F), non-condensing.
e. The AC Drive shall be rated to operate at
altitudes less than or equal to 3,300 ft
(1000 m). For altitudes above 3,300 ft, de-rate
the AC Drive by 1% for every 300 ft (100 m).
f. The AC Drive shall meet the IEC 60068-2
Operational Vibration Specification.
a. The AC Drive shall be designed to operate
from an input voltage of 460 ± 10% Vac or
208 -15% to 230 +15% Vac.
b. The AC Drive shall operate from an input
voltage frequency range of 60 Hz ± 2%.
c. The displacement power factor shall not be
less than .95 lagging under any speed or load
d. The efficiency of the AC Drive at 100% speed
and load shall not be less than 96%.
e. The [constant, variable] torque rated AC Drive
overcurrent capacity shall be [150%, 110%]
for one minute.
f. The output carrier frequency of the AC Drive
shall be randomly modulated and selectable
at 2, 4, or 10 kHz depending on Drive rating for
low noise operation. No AC Drive with an
operable carrier frequency above 10 kHz shall
be allowed.
g. The output frequency shall be from 0.1 to
400 Hz for AC Drives up to 75 hp. For
horsepower ratings above 75 hp, the
maximum output frequency will be 200 Hz.