SpinPoint V40 Product Manual
SMART capability
The following describes the definition for the SMART capability bits. If the value of all of these bits is equal
to zero, then this device does not implement automatic saving of SMART data.
• Bit 0 (power mode SMART data saving capability bit) – If the value of this bit equals one, the device
shall save its SMART data prior to going into a power saving mode (Idle, Standby, or Sleep) or
immediately upon return to Active or Idle mode from a Standby mode. If the value of this bit equals zero,
the device shall not save its SMART date prior to going into a power saving mode (Idle, Standby, or
Sleep) or immediately upon return to Active or Idle mode from a Standby mode.
• Bit 1 (SMART data autosave after event capability bit) – The value of this bit shall be equal to one for
devices complying with this standard.
• Bits 2-15(reserved).
The data structure checksum is the two’s compliment of the result of a simple eight-bit addition of the first
511 bytes in the data structure. SMART read log sector (D5h)
This command returns the indicated log sector to the host. SMART return status (DAh)
This command is used to communicate the reliability status of the device to the host at the host’s request. If a
threshold exceeded condition is not detected by the device, the device shall set the Cylinder Low register to
4Fh and the Cylinder High register to C2h. If the device detects a threshold-exceeded condition, the device
shall set Cylinder Low register to F4h and Cylinder High register to 2Ch SMART save attribution value (D3h)
This command causes the device to immediately save any update attribute values to the device’s non-volatile
memory regardless of the state of the attribute autosave timer. SMART write log sector (D6h)
This command writes a 512-byte data sector to the indicated log sector.