SpinPoint V40 Product Manual
4.7 System Startup Procedure
Once the SpinPoint V40 hard disk drive and along with the adapter board (if required) have been installed in
your system, the drive can now be partitioned and formatted for operation. To set up the drive correctly,
follow these instructions:
1. Power on the system.
2. Typically the system will detect a configuration change automatically. If so, then jump to step 6.
3. If installing 80GB SpinPoint SV8004H model and the system hangs during boot up, follow the
instructions in section “4.7.1 Drive Installation to Access the Full Capacity Using 32GB Clip”.
4. If the system does not hang but does not automatically detect the drive either during reboot, run the setup
program of the system. Setup program is usually on a diagnostics or utility disk, or in the system BIOS.
Refer to the manual of your system for this operation. Once you get into setup program then follow step
5. Perform one of the following steps that applies to your system:
I. Select “Auto Detect” if it is supported.
II. When using “User Defined” type, enter the appropriate parameters for the installed drive,
according to Table 4-2.
III. When using “Pre-Defined” type, select any drive type that does not exceed the maximum capacity
of the drive. Table 4-2 shoes the logical parameters that provide the maximum capacity of
SpinPoint V40 family drives.
6. If the system recognizes the drive but experiences problems on properly handling the full capacity of the
drive, run Disk Manager utility program provided by Samsung and follow the instructions. The Disk
Manager utility program is available from Samsung on a floppy diskette, or downloadable from the
Samsung website at www.samsunghdd.com
. If, after all these steps are successfully completed, your
system will not boot up, then contact technical support.
Table 4-2 Logical Drive Parameters
Logical Cylinders
Logical Heads
16 16 16 16
Logical Sectors
63 63 63 63
Total Number of Logical Sectors
39,179,952 78,242,976 117,304,992 156,368,016
20.06 GB 40.06 GB 60.06 80.06 GB
• The total numbers of sectors is calculated by (Cylinders x Heads x Sectors) of the selected drive
• Maximum number of logical cylinders in CHS mode is 16,383.
• Systems that incorporate more than an 8.4GB per storage device must access the drive in LBA