Order Form for Parts
Remote #221133
This is the remote
that came packed
with your TV. You
can use the order
form at the right to
order it by mail.
Order Form
Book No. 15080390
Part Part Number Price Qty Total
Cleaner AH035 $ 6.95
Remote--CRK74B1 221133 $39.95
Total ($10 Minimum Order) .................... $
Sales Tax ..................................................... $
We are required by law to collect the
appropriate sales tax for each individual
state, county, and locality to which the
merchandise is being sent.
Shipping, Handling, and Insurance ....... $ 5.00
Total Amount Enclosed............................ $
VISA or MasterCard preferred.
Money order or check must be in U.S. currency only.
Detach Here
All specifications and descriptions of parts are subject to change
without notice.
Fill out both sides of the information
Cleaner #AHO35
To clean your TV cabinet, we
recommend Murphy’s
Oil Soap or
Cleaner #AH035. You should not
use cleaners such as Windex
vinegar, Lenox
Furniture Polish
spray or Heinz
Cleaning Vinegar
to clean your TV cabinet. Using
these cleaners will permanently
mar the surface of the cabinet.
Such damage is not covered under
your purchase warranty.