E-DOC-CTC-20051017-0151 v1.0
Chapter 5
Expert Configuration
DHCP Client Dynamic interfaces are created and managed by means of the DHCP Client table.
Following fields are listed in the DHCP Client table:
The name of the SpeedTouch™ logical interface for which this DHCP client
The Address column shows the IP address assigned to the interface given in
the first column.
The State column shows the current state of the dynamic interface. According
to RFC2131, following states are envisaged:
The DHCP client hasn't been activated yet. (You can activate a DHCP
client entry by selecting it and clicking Enable.
The DHCP client is searching for a DHCP server.
The DHCP client requests a server for an IP address.
A dynamic IP address has been assigned by the DHCP server.
The DHCP client requests a known server to extend its lease.
The DHCP client searches a server to extend its lease.
The Timeout column is filled in for each DHCP client which is currently in the
"bound" state. It indicates the lease time of the assigned IP address.
For each of these interfaces you can configure following fields:
IP Address:
The preferred IP address to be assigned to the DHCP client. If not accepted, the
(remote) DHCP server may overrule this address.
Client ID:
MAC address of the SpeedTouch™ logical interface, to be communicated to
the (remote) DHCP server. If empty, the SpeedTouch™ 's MAC address is used.
Host name:
The host name associated with the dynamic IP address, to be communicated
to the (remote) DHCP server
User ID:
The user class identifier option to be associated with the lease.
Lease time:
The preferred duration of the lease of the dynamic IP address, if assigned. If
not accepted, the (remote) DHCP server may overrule this lease time.
Vendor ID:
Enable transmission of the vendor class identifier option (selected) or not