E-DOC-CTC-20051017-0151 v1.0
Chapter 4
Basic Configuration
4.6.6 Configuring WDS
Availability This page is only available on SpeedTouch™ devices equipped with a wireless
access point.
What is WDS The Wireless Distribution System (WDS) allows you to extend the range of your
wireless network by introducing one or more WDS-enabled devices into your
wireless network.
Configuring WDS Proceed as follows to access the WDS pages on the SpeedTouch™:
1 In the left menu, click Office Network.
2 Under Wireless, click the Access Point you want to configure for WDS.
3 Click Configure.
4 In the Pick a task list, click Configure WDS.
Establishing a WDS
Proceed as follows:
1 In the Pick a task list, click Scan for wireless Access Points.
The SpeedTouch™ warns you that all associated stations will lose connectivity
for a few seconds.
2 Click OK.
The SpeedTouch™ lists the results in the Accessible Access Points table.
3 Select the Access Point to which you want to establish a WDS connection.
4 Click Apply.
5 Configure this Access Point with:
The same WEP key if WEP is enabled.
The same fixed channel.
You can only establish WDS links with WDS-enabled devices.
The Access Point names have the following format: “WLAN: “ +
Network Name, for example “WLAN: SpeedTouch123456.