Enable output delay on
outputs A and B, and disable
output delay on outputs 1 and
Toggle enabled status of
output delay on all outputs.
S01DELAYOE*abcd , where each of the letters
(a, b, etc.) is either 0 or 1 depending of the
current enabled status of the output delay on
the corresponding output. If this command was
sent after the example above, then the status
message would be S01DELAYOE*1001 .
Query enabled status of
output delay on all outputs.
S01DELAYOE*abcd , where each of the letters
(a, b, etc.) is either 0 or 1 depending of the
current enabled status of the output delay on
the corresponding output. If this command was
sent after the example above, then the status
message would be S01DELAYOE*1001 .
8.43. DIAL -- Send DTMF Digits to Phone Interface
This command dials the specified string of digits by sending the equivalent DTMF tones to the phone
interface. Valid digits are '0'-'9', '*', '#', and ',' (delay). If the phone is not off-hook when this
command is executed, it will automatically be taken off-hook.
Example Description Status Message
Dial 9 (to get an outside line), then pause (the three
commas), then dial 4048921180.
8.44. DSPAUTO -- Enable Automatic DSPLOAD Status
This command sets or queries whether or not DSPLOAD messages will be automatically generated
whenever the DSP utilization changes.
This command is a boolean command. See
Section 6.1 for more information on this type of command.
Example Description Status Message
Enable automatic DSPLOAD messages.
Disable automatic DSPLOAD messages.
Toggle automatic DSPLOAD messages.
S01DSPAUTOx , where x is 0 or 1
depending on the current setting of the
DSPAUTO paramter.